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Kirkbampton C.E. School

With Hope, Friendship and Compassion, we learn together.

Subject Leadership

All subject areas in our school have named members of staff who are a lead for that subject/area. Some members of staff have more than one area. The subject leader produces an action plan each year and monitors and reviews progress made towards the targets. They also identify/arrange/lead training for staff as part of our ongoing CP (Continuing Professional Development.)

The subject leaders for each subject this year are as follows:

Mathematics - Mrs E James
English - Mr A Reed

Phonics - Mrs E White
Science - Mrs J Blaylock
P.E. - Mrs E White
History/Geography - Miss A Chandler
Art/DT - Mrs J Grimshaw
Computing - Miss A Chandler
Music - Mrs A Armstrong
MFL - Mrs J Blaylock
R.E- Mrs A Armstrong
PSHE/RSHE - Mrs E James
Collective Worship - Mrs A Armstrong