Welcome to our Governors’ section.
Please find below details of how our Governing body is structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.
Governors play a key role in the life of the school and meet regularly throughout the year to discuss and monitor a range of
matters including Staffing, Finance, Curriculum along with Premises/Health and Safety.
Our Governors are drawn from a range of occupations and each represents a facet of the community. Some Governors are
elected by parents, others are appointed by the Local Authority, some are co-opted by the Governors for their specific expertise
whilst the Church also has members to help guide the school.
Our clerk to the Governors Mrs. Morven Anson can be contacted at Correspondence for
the Governors can be sent to the clerk for distribution to the most appropriate Governor.
The current Governing Body is as follows:
Governor | Position |
Mrs P Maisey | Chair |
Vacant - awaiting appointment of vicar | Church Foundation |
Mrs J. Cooper-Holmes | Co-opted Governor |
Mrs. A. Armstrong | Headteacher |
Mrs P Maisey | Parent Governor |
Mr. C. Norman | Co-opted Governor |
Mrs S. Thomson | Parent Governor |
Mrs J. Grimshaw | Staff Governor |
Mr C Wilkowski | Co-opted Governor |
Vacant | LA Governor |
Mr N Pattinson | Foundation Governor |
Further details regarding attendance, terms and Declarations of Interest can be seen here