At Kirkbampton CE Primary, our curriculum delivers on the three strands of Computing: information technology, computer science and digital literacy. We want our children to become increasingly computer literate as we prepare them to live safely in a continually advancing digital world.
We want our children to be able to answer questions: to collect data, sort it, present it and evaluate it using tools that make their decision making efficient. We encourage children to extend their knowledge and wider understanding of the world through researching independently and to think logically when problem solving.
Promoting computer literacy is good for the confidence, independence and the creativity of our pupils.
Our Purple Mash learning platform provides the programs and tools for our children to understand and apply the fundamental concepts of computer science.
Opportunities for children to transfer and apply the taught skills across the curriculum are regularly taken.
Drawing on the skills and resources of Junior Stem professionals, we repeat skills in controlling and monitoring, using coding, on a yearly basis. This enables skills and knowledge taught in logical thinking and algorithms to be better retained.
Investing in additional i-Pad technology further allows our children to record their work; they will self-evaluate it and problem-solve to improve their subsequent outcomes.
Participating in Internet Safety Day reminds us all about the digital footprint we and others leave behind and who our pupils can turn to should they experience something they do not expect on-line.
The children of Kirkbampton CE Primary leave equipped, not only with the skills and knowledge to use technology effectively, but most importantly – safely. The greatest impact we want on our children is that they understand the consequences of leaving a digital footprint and that they are aware of how to keep themselves safe online. Whilst our children become more confident in their computer abilities, they too become more independent to apply the skills they have learnt as problem solvers, logical thinkers and self-evaluators.
Below is a copy of the scheme we use – Purple Mash. Teachers use this framework to plan their sequence of lessons which are often taught through cross-curricular links and themes.
At Kirkbampton CE Primary School we aim for our children to confidently and independently use and apply information technology skills to support and extend their learning. We develop a culture where the use of ICT (information, communication and technology) becomes second nature to our pupils, thus ensuring they are ready and able to embrace the technological advances of the future.
Children in all Key Stages have access to a bank of shared laptops for use during computing sessions and as a resource to aid learning in other curriculum areas. The children are taught using Interactive whiteboards or plasma screens.
There is a key emphasis on learning skills for computing; these include programming, debugging and exchanging information. Our children are taught how to access information, evaluate its suitability, store it, share it with others and tailor it to meet their own needs.
Digital Literacy is a big part of the curriculum, with children learning how to use ICT safely – at regular points throughout the year, children undertake e-safety sessions on topics such as cyberbullying or using the internet safely.