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Kirkbampton CofE Primary School home page

Kirkbampton C.E. School

With Hope, Friendship and Compassion, we learn together.

Remote Learning

Our Home learning offer during full lockdown is as follows:
EYFS: Daily Zoom and work set on Tapestry
Y1-Y6 2x daily zoom sessions with direct teaching from class teacher (30min sessions for Y1 rising to 1hr+ in Y6)
All other work set on Purplemash Blog daily. Minimum of 3hrs work for Y1 raising to a minimum of 4hrs for Y6.
Fortnightly home learning packs available from school for hard copies of activity sheets and other resources such as
Fortnightly reading book drop and exchange.
Work sent in will be marked by class teacher and feedback provided.


Communication sent to parents 4th January 2021 see below
Good Afternoon,

Thank you for everyone's patience today whilst we have tried to navigate a way forward.

For children remaining at home work will be uploaded daily to their Purplemash account (if your child cannot remember their
log in details please email: and put the class teacher's name in the title and this
can be sent to you.)

As well as work being uploaded to Purplemash, there will be the following zoom calls each day - we have tried to ensure that
no two year groups need to be on at the same time as many households will have only one device. Links to these calls will be
uploaded on Purplemash.but the times will be as follows:

Y3 10:00-10:30
Y2 10:30-11:00
Y4/5 11:00-11:30
Y1 11:30-12:00

Afternoon Zooms

Y2/3 1:00-1:30
Y6 1:30-2:30
Y4/5 2:30-3:00
Y1/2 3:00-3:30


When on Zoom calls please can you remain on mute until asked to unmute, have children wear their school jumper (to help
with the learning at school' mindset) not be eating on screen and ensure that an adult is supervising at home. This will help
ensure we get the most learning out of each session.

Many thanks

Mrs Armstrong