Out of Hours Clubs
Out of Hours Childcare at Kirkbampton CE Primary School
Places at OoH Club are limited and must be pre-booked, please contact Club Staff for a registration form.
Out of Hours Club - Breakfast
Breakfast Club is open every school morning at 08.00-08.45am (subject to pre-booking) and breakfast is served at 8.15am.
We serve a variety of cereals, toast, muffins, bagels or croissants throughout the week and fresh fruit is available daily. Milk,
orange, apple juice and water is available daily.
£3.50 per child, per session
Out of Hours Club - Afternoon
After School Club is open every Monday - Thursday between 3:35PM - 5:30PM and a snack is served to all children. Our
children are involved in the planning of the snack time and give suggestions to Club staff of foods they would like to try. We
serve a variety of snacks throughout the week and a selection of fresh and dried fruit is always available.
£6.75 per child, per session
All payments for OoH Club can be made using the ParentMail system and must be paid in advance or by the Wednesday
during the week of attendance.
We have an email address which is checked daily so please do get in touch with us should you require any sessions at OoH
Club Breakfast/Afternoon: OohClub@kirkbampton.cumbria.sch.uk.
Bookings forms for the next half term are available too,
If you have any questions about Ooh Club please do call or email, we are open every morning before school.