If you require any more information or a paper copy of any document on our website, please contact the school office.
- Accessability Plan
- attendance-policy-and-procedures-Sept 24.pdf
- Behaviour Policy and Procedures 2023-24.pdf
- Charging & Remissions Policy Sept 2022.pdf
- Child Protection Policy 2023-24 Website version.pdf
- Complaints Procedure
- Conduct-for-school-staff-and-other-adults
- Declaration of Interests
- DT Policy
- Education-of-Children-looked-after
- Education-of-Children-Looked-After-Policy-2021-22
- EVC-Policy
- English Policy
- Equality Objectives
- Freedom-of-Information-Publication-scheme
- GDPR-Privacy-Notice
- Geography-Policy-2021
- Governor-Code-of-Conduct-2020
- Governors' Allowances Policy .pdf
- Governors Statement of Behaviour Principles 2023-24.pdf
- Health-and-safety-policy-part-2-2022-to-2023 to be approved at FGB Sept 22.pdf
- Kirkbampton-Mentoring-Policy
- Mathematics Policy.pdf
- MFL-Policy-2021
- Music-Policy-2021
- Overarching Safeguarding Statement 2023-24 (1).pdf
- P.E.-Policy-2021
- RE Policy 2023.pdf
- Science Policy 2021
- SEN Policy 2023.pdf
- Supporting-Pupils-with-Medical-Conditions-2022-23
- UK-Jigsaw-PSHE-incl-RSHE-Policy-Document-CofE-School-Edition-July-2020-2