Our School Day
Doors open at 8:45am and close at 8:55am
9:00am Registration
10:45am - 11:00am Morning break
12noon - 1pm Lunchtime
2:15pm - 2:30pm Afternoon Break
3:30pm End of School Day
Our school is open for the required 32.5 hours per week during term time
Breakfast club is available 5 mornings per week from 8am
After school club is available Mon-Thu and runs until 5:30pm
Please see OOH club page for more details
School Meals
School meals are prepared in school by our own school cooks and are served in the school hall, supervised by a Midday Supervisor. They are of a very high standard providing a choice of several main courses and desserts, there is also a salad bar available daily. Please see our school meals page for more information
Packed Lunches
Children may bring packed lunches and will sit at tables in the hall with the rest of the children. Great emphasis is placed on
sitting down and participating in an important social activity. Parents are asked to ensure that packed lunches are nutritionally balanced and do not contain any sweets/chocolate bars or fizzy drinks. We also request that no nut products are sent in to school due to several children having nut allergies.