Modern Foreign Languages
MFL Policy 2024-2025
Long term curriculum overview.
At Kirkbampton, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest in and thirst for learning other languages. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in enjoyable and stimulating ways. We hope to embed the essential skills of listening and speaking and reading and also begin to encourage writing. We aim to build the children’s ‘culture capital’ so that they are aware of similarities and differences between cultures. In short, we hope to lay the foundations for future language learning.
Our MFL curriculum has been designed to progressively develop skills in French. We are currently using a variety of resources to deliver our French lessons. We ensure children acquire a bank of vocabulary organized around topics and their development is progressive as they build on previous knowledge from units already studied. All children in KS2 are taught French which is delivered by the class teacher or another qualified teacher during PPA. Year 3/4 have French taught in a block every half term and they use Twinkl power points that link to our curriculum plan. Year 5/6 do a French lesson each week and French specialists, from secondary school, have also worked with the 5/6 children, to deliver lessons and support staff. KS1 children are introduced to MFL through exploring other languages informally when studying another country.
Teachers assess French throughout lessons using ‘assessment through learning’. This helps teachers plan for future lessons. Our intended impact of the MFL Curriculum is that the majority of children in each year group are working at or above the expected level for their age. In addition, it is the intended impact that the children:
- are inspired by the MFL Curriculum and want to learn more.
- show the progression in their skills, knowledge and understanding in the work in their books and during oral work in the class.
- can discuss their learning and remember what they have learnt.
- learn about the country France and what it is like to live in this country.
At Kirkbampton CE Primary School we endeavour to develop a love of languages through the teaching of a modern foreign language (MFL) in a fun and enjoyable way.
We aim to:
- Foster an interest in learning other languages
- Introduce young children to another language in a way that is enjoyable and fun;
- Stimulate and encourage children’s curiosity about language;
- Encourage children to be aware that language has structure and that the structure differs from one language to another
- Help the children develop their awareness of cultural differences and similarities in other countries;
- Increase their speaking and listening skills;
- Lay the foundations for future study through the development of language learning strategies
- Reinforce and expand their knowledge and understanding of their own language.
French is taught to children in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 by class teachers.