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Kirkbampton CofE Primary School home page

Kirkbampton C.E. School

With Hope, Friendship and Compassion, we learn together.


At Kirkbampton CE Primary School we place the highest importance on ensuring the safety and well-being of all children in

our care. Therefore, we are committed to the safeguarding and welfare of all pupils and expect the same of our staff and



Our Designated Safeguard Lead (DSL)

Mrs Andrea Armstrong (Headteacher)

The role of the DSL includes everything that is related to safeguarding, from the day to day child protection of pupils in our

care and the on-going training of staff, to safe recruitment of all new personnel.



Advanced Safeguarding Level 2: 13.6.22

Designated Safeguarding Officer Level 3: 10.6.22

Safer Recruitment in Education: 14.9.22

Prevent Train the Trainer: completed 2018

Prevent Training: 19.02.2024


Our Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads (DDSL)

Mrs Jane Grimshaw and Mrs Julie Blaylock (Job share to ensure there is always cover)

The role of the DDSL is to support and act in the absence of the DSL. This role encompasses all aspect of safeguarding.


Jane Grimshaw


Advanced Safeguarding Level 2: 11.5.21

Designated Safeguarding Officer Level 3: 17.10.23


Julie Blaylock


Advanced Safeguarding Level 2: 20.4.20

Designated Safeguarding Officer Level 3: 2.5.21


Designated Governor for Safeguarding


Mrs Sarah Thomson

The role of the govenor is to support the DSL/DSLs through regular monitoring and challenge to ensure that all our practices

and procedures are effective and meet the needs of all our pupils.


Designated Teacher for Child Looked After


Mrs Andrea Armstrong

The role of the Designated Teacher for Child Looked After is to work together with other agencies, such as the local

authority/virtual schools to ensure that all CLA/PCLA children are supported throughout their education with us.


Designated Mental Health Leader

Mrs Andrea Armstrong


The role is to lead and monitor the ongoing mental health and well-being within the school - both pupils and staff.


Online Safety Coordinator

Mrs Andrea Armstrong

Operation Encompass

Kirkbampton CE Primary School is registered with Operation Encompass. This means that any Domestic Abuse incidents that

-occur at home and are logged with the police and our school will be informed of within 24 hours. This information will be

given to the school's safeguarding team only (DSL- Andrea Armstrong or DSL- Jane Grimshaw/Julie Blaylock in DSL's

absence). The information shared allows our school to keep our duty of care to the child/children in school at a level they may

need after a domestic abuse encounter. For example: child may be tired, upset, withdrawn, not eaten well, not dressed

correctly in school uniform etc due to the home incident.


Other relevant documentation for parents/carers can be found online through the Department Of Education website (DFE)


Every Local Authority has an independent local safeguarding children partnership. Cumbria has a dedicated Children's

"'Cumbria Safeguarding Children's Partnership' (Cumbria CSCP ) website. The Parents and carers can access this site to gain

information regarding information of their arrangements, their vision and values alongside the numerous documents and

information it holds to support families.